Zone File Comparer

Zone File Comparer will compare two domain name zone files and output what domain names were "missing" (on hold) and what domain names were "new" (recently registered). With this information, users will be able to compile their own soon to expired (Pending Delete), on hold (Redemption Period) and expired (available) domain names with the help of our WHOIS Analyzer. Zone File Comparer uses either the MS SQL engine or the MSDE engine (a free product).


  • User-friendly interface

  • Installable .EXE file

  • Coded in C++ with multi-threaded connections for fast processing!

  • MS SQL or MSDE used as back-end database

  • Ability to output on hold domain names and recently registered domain names

  • 1 year license, including FREE technical support and product updates!

  • Price: $399.95 + Receive a FREE copy of WHOIS Analyzer

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    Zone File Comparer Zone File Comparer Zone File Comparer Zone File Comparer

    Zone File Comparer Zone File Comparer Zone File Comparer